Episode #51: Strategic Look Back on 2019

Dec 19, 2019

The end of the year is generally a good time for reflection and goal setting.  When you think of the last year of your business, what comes to mind?  Do you think of the goals you set for yourself a year ago?  I’ll bet you beat yourself up over the ones you weren’t able to accomplish, or maybe you will carry them over and try again this year. 


But is that really the right strategy? 


In this episode, I go over the framework for reviewing your successes over the past year.  You have likely accomplished a lot more than you give yourself credit for.  If you are only looking at the big milestones, you are missing out on the steps that it took to achieve them.  So even if a milestone isn’t realized, there will have been steps taken in the past year to get closer and those steps should be celebrated.  It’s very important to focus on the smaller, not so noticeable wins. 


So, what happened in the last year that feels really great? 


What were your 2019 goals? 

It’s important not to beat yourself up if you didn’t achieve everything you thought you would in the last year. Resist the temptation to judge yourself. Instead, objectively look back at your goals and reflect on why they weren’t achieved. The reason may be something that was completely out of your control. Perhaps something else in your business became a priority instead.  


What did you learn in 2019? 

Count everything you learned in the past year as an accomplishment in your business.  Consider what you learned in your business, about the people you serve as well as yourself. 


How would you like to feel in 2020? 

Do you want to feel brave?  Proud?  Calm?  Focused?  If we aren’t feeling excited, nervous or maybe a bit scared then it probably means that we aren’t pushing ourselves all that hard.

As we wrap up 2019 and get into 2020, think about where you can strengthen your inner game next year. 


Links mentioned in this episode: 

The Business of Thinking Big Podcast

Mamas & Co.
Your online community of smart, passionate mama entrepreneurs

The Surrender Experiment
by: Michael A. Singer


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