Episode #143: 8 Ways To Work Smarter Not Harder

Aug 19, 2021

Hey Mama, do you feel like you’re constantly working on your business, to the point where it feels like it’s starting to take over your personal life? At the same time, you’re not even sure if you can say with 100% certainty that everything you need to get done IS DONE?


I have spoken with so many women who are in the same boat as you. You’re definitely NOT alone!


So how do I do it, you ask? Well, you may be surprised to hear that it’s often as simple as structuring your time well…and sticking to your schedule (which may not be as easy). Let’s dive deeper into it, shall we?


FYI, if you want even MORE tips & strategies on working smarter, and doing more with your time, you NEED to check out our 90-day A-players coaching program.


Links Mentioned in This Episode:


The Business of Thinking Big podcast, Episode #61: How I structure my week 

Interested in joining our online community with access to weekly coaching, best-in-class business training, and networking opportunities? Visit Mamas & Co

Building a Joyful Business book by Lianne Kim 


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